This American family's itinerary for their UK trip has been dropping jaws everywhere and it's quite the read

An American family are planning a week’s holiday in the UK and so they decided to share their proposed itinerary on a ‘UK Travel’ page of Reddit to see what others thought of their plans. Their itinerary was spotted by KRS who shared it on her Twitter account. Let’s have a look. Okay fellow British […]

This American family's itinerary for their UK trip has been dropping jaws everywhere and it's quite the read

David Harris. Updated October 3rd, 2023

An American family are planning a week’s holiday in the UK and so they decided to share their proposed itinerary on a ‘UK Travel’ page of Reddit to see what others thought of their plans.

Their itinerary was spotted by KRS who shared it on her Twitter account. Let’s have a look.

And a closer look..

That’s quite the itinerary. Do they think The UK is the size of The Isle of Wight? Others also spotted potential flaws and pitfalls…

And here’s a lovely reply to the family from Reddit itself…

Whatever they decide we wish them a happy holiday.

Source @kathryn_rose123 Image Unsplash Image Unsplash